Christopher McHugh CText FTI
Chris has a strong background in developing and delivering cutting edge technical textiles projects and solutions. With over 30 years’ experience in the technical textiles sector, he is keen to support organisations globally, wishing to develop strategic business opportunities especially in the composites sector. As R&D Manager of the largest independent carbon weaver globally, he has introduced many products and processes into the sector. His expertise is demonstrable, having setup new carbon weaving cells, developed 3D weaving cell (carbon composites) and having the responsibility for every aspect of implementation. He has helped SME organisations research strategic opportunities in the technical textiles sector and provided in-depth implementation strategy. His support for large global organisations resulted in the development of innovative woven solutions (subsequently patented) and he also supports Research organisations who wish to develop cutting edge processing capability.
The Textile Institute World Conference
This event is held at exciting and relevant locations around the globe and is in an important meeting point for the textile industry and members worldwide. The social events associated with the conference bring together the global community to enjoy the host country’s culture and hospitality.