Medals And Awards
A number of Medals and Awards are conferred upon individuals and organisations in recognition of their outstanding contribution to the textile industries and/or the work of The Textile Institute itself, under the authority of the TI Council.
The Medals and Awards Committee is now seeking nominations from industry and academia for Medals and Awards 2021 in categories such as a demonstrable effect on sustainability policy and practice, assistance for a student to present a paper at an international conference, devotion to the furtherance of scientific knowledge of fibers, or distinguished service on a Section Committee.
Submission is by nomination form, which is then assessed and reviewed by a Committee of academics and industrialists and ratified by the Council of The Textile Institute.
The closing date for Medals and Awards 2021 nominations is 1 September 2021.
Member Awards
Many people have accomplished professional achievements and contributions which are not recognised through academic qualifications alone. The Textile Institute Member Awards have a number of categories, such as: distinguished service on a Section Committee, distinguished service to the industry and to the Institute in general, or an outstanding contribution to technology-based education at all levels. Nominations for Member Awards can be made by members only.
The Institute Medal
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Honorary Fellowship
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Companion Membership
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Holden Medal for Education
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Section Service Award
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Honorary Life Membership
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The Institute Medal
The oldest award of the Institute, inaugurated in 1921. An award which recognises distinguished service to the industry and to the Institute in general.

Honorary Fellowship
First awarded in 1928 and the highest honour within the Institute’s gift for creativity and the advancement of knowledge achieved by an individual as a result of ingenuity and application over many years. It covers all occupational areas of the Institute’s work including science, technology, marketing and management.

Companion Membership
Instituted in 1956 and limited to 50 living members. Council may grant the status of Companion Member of the Institute to any member who has attained the age of 40 and who has, in the opinion of the Council, substantially advanced the general interests of the textile industry.

Holden Medal for Education
The Holden Medal for Education is awarded in recognition of an outstanding contribution to technology-based education at all levels. Originally inaugurated in 1992 by the Clothing and Footwear Institute (CFI) International.

Section Service Award
The Textile Institute Section Service Award recognises distinguished and active service by a member over many years to a particular Section or National Committee. It is not intended that purely nominal service on a Committee or as an Honorary Officer of a Section should be recognised by the award, nor would mere length of service in any capacity be an automatic criterion for making an award.

Honorary Life Membership
First awarded in 1979 and the highest award granted for service to the Institute. It recognises outstanding, exceptional, and sustained service to the Institute in the furtherance of its Charter objectives and to the textile industry generally. This award to be made at the discretion of Council – nominations cannot be accepted.
Industry Awards
The Textile Institute’s Industry Awards have a number of categories in key industry areas, such as: sustainability, new materials, international research, innovation, young talent, and more. Nominations for Industry Awards can be made by one member and one non-member.
Organisations and individuals are gifted a years complimentary membership of The Textile Institute as part of the award.
Innovation Award
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New Materials Award
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Research Publication Award
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Institute Medal For Design
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Sustainability Award
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Young Persons Award
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Innovation Award
Inaugurated in 1990, The Textile Institute Innovation Award is given to organisations for outstanding achievement in enhancing international textile interests through creativity, commerce, marketing or economic development. This award is open to both members and non-members.

New Materials Award
Established in 2010 to celebrate the centenary of The Textile Institute, the award is presented to an individual or organisation demonstrating outstanding advances in technical textiles and their application. This award also perpetuates the memory of SG Smith, after whom a memorial medal was inaugurated in 1964. This award is open to both members and non-members.

Research Publication Award
Established in 2010 to celebrate the centenary of The Textile Institute, the award is presented to an individual author or group of authors for the most outstanding paper published in The Journal of The Textile Institute during the calendar year preceding the year in which the award is offered. This award is generously sponsored by Taylor & Francis. All authors and group of authors who have had a paper published in 2020 will automatically be submitted for this award therefore no formal application will be necessary.

Institute Medal For Design
Inaugurated in 1971 to recognise professional designers or groups of designers who have devoted themselves to, and made substantial contributions in, the field of textile design and design management. Candidates’ contributions are assessed not only for aesthetic appeal but also for commercial success.

Sustainability Award
Established in 2010 to celebrate the centenary of The Textile Institute, the award is presented to a business or organisation that has had a demonstrable effect on sustainability policy and practice in textiles, clothing and footwear and in one or more of the following – sourcing, production, use, recycling and disposal.

Young Persons Award
Established in 2010 to celebrate the centenary of The Textile Institute, the award may be offered either to:
(i) a student enrolled on a postgraduate programme accredited by The Textile Institute, or
(ii) a student enrolled on a postgraduate programme at a Corporate Institution
to assist attendance at any international conference at which she/he will deliver a paper based on their postgraduate research.
Recent awardees
The Textile Institute would like to invite you to view the past recipients of Medals and Awards.
Below is a list of Member and Industry Awardees. For a full list of previous winners or for each award email tiihq@textileinst.org.uk
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Nominate for Medals and Awards
Do you know of any aspiring talent or feel someone needs to be recognised for their creative contribution to the textile industries? If you think an organisation or individual should be applauded for their work or contribution to the industry, please complete the Medals and Awards nomination form.
Submission is by a nomination form, which is then assessed and reviewed by a Committee of academics and industrialists and ratified by the Council of The Textile Institute.
The closing date for Medals and Awards 2021 nominations is 1 September 2021.